FREE EBOOK- 10 Simple Secrets of World's Greatest Business Communicators


Excerpted from Ten Simple Secrets of the World's Greatest Business Communicators 
         On the night of August 6, 2003, during a taping of the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, a bombshell hit California politics. Action movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he would challenge current governor Gray Davis in a recall election set for October 7.
         Having seen Arnold speak to large groups of business professionals, I knew August 6 would go down as the worst night in Davis’s political career. Where Davis had all the charisma of a squid, Arnold radiated it. Sixty-two days later, millions of voters swept a sitting governor out of office for only the second time in American history. An unprecedented 135 candidates vied to replace Davis. Arnold got 48 percent of the vote. His closest opponent, Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamante, came in a distant second with 31 percent of the ballots cast. Fitness Publications, Inc.
         Immediately after Schwarzenegger’s victory speech, an NBC correspondent covering the event in Los Angeles said, “His charisma. His ability to work a crowd. That’s a big reason for why he’s here tonight.” Two years earlier, I sat in an audience of corporate types as Schwarzenegger captivated a crowd of twelve thousand people at the legendary Bakersfield Business Conference. It didn’t take me long to realize “The Terminator” had mastered every one of the 10 Simple Secrets of great communicators—he grabbed ’em, hooked ’em, and blew ’em away. Arnold’s oversized success in bodybuilding, movies, business, and politics had little to do with twenty-one-inch biceps and everything to do with drive, confidence, and charisma. He inspired people to believe in him and his vision.
He won ’em over!
         Schwarzenegger exudes unshakable self-confidence, infectious optimism, self-deprecating humor, and a passion for the initiatives he embraces. Schwarzenegger’s confidence convinced him to throw his hat in the ring and his optimism helped him maintain his resolve against a daily barrage of criticism, but it was Schwarzenegger’s charisma that inspired voters and won the election.

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